Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Frank Ralph ShankJanet Angela HollandBrad Layne RoateMagenta Lindsey NinmerColumbia Morgan FishburnRiff Raff Nathan Peak
Rocky Horror Connor McNamara
Narrator Stuart Byers
Dr. Scott/Eddie Kellen Fant

Featuring, the Usherettes...
Megan Francis
Libby Griggs
Anna McFarland
Nicole Pittman
Erica Snyder

Also Staring, the Phantoms...
Ronda Brinkman
Zachary Clemens
Brent Davis
Meggie Edwards
Shirley McGlennon
Dusty Meyer
DeShanee Miner
Zach Pickens
Nicole Sivak
Kelly Trier

want to come again?
October 27, 28 and 29
2011THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW LIVE is produced in association with
ADHD Productions
and the

Proceeds from this production assist a variety of local not-for-profit organizations,
including the Hoogland Center for the Arts.

ADHD Productions, The Hoogland Center for the Arts and associated corporate/media sponsors are not responsible for "cross-dressing-tendencies" after viewing a performance.

The Rocky Horror Show (Live)
(Springfield, Illinois)
Executive Staff
Mac Warren, Director
Emilie Yeager, Assistant Director-Artistic
Jen Wallner, Assistant Director-Production
Gus Gordon, Producer
Christie Lazarides, Vocal Director
Andrew Maynerich, Choreography
Karen Ferguson, Accompanist

Production Staff
Damien Kaplan, Music Director
Todd Schumacher, Set Design/Construction
Emilie Yeager, Makeup/Hair/Special Effects
Adam Grogan, Lighting Design
Melody Sheehan, Properties Design/Acquisition
Ric "Skippy" Major, Sound Design

Cast Members Waiting with Antici...Pation!

Frank - Ralph Shank
Janet - Angela Holland
Brad - Layne Roate
Magenta - Lindsey Ninmer
Columbia - Morgan Fishburn
Riff Raff - Nathan Peak
Rocky - Connor McNamara
Narrator - Stuart Byers
Dr. Scott/Eddie - Kellen Fant

Megan Francis
Libby Griggs
Anna McFarland
Nicole Pittman
Erica Snyder

Ronda Brinkman
Zachary Clemens
Brent Davis
Meggie Edwards
Shirley McGlennon
Dusty Meyer
DeShanee Miner
Zach Pickens
Nicole Sivak
Kelly Trier

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Auditions...Over at the Frankenstein Place

Hoogland Center for the Arts (Third Floor)
Saturday, July 30th & Sunday, July 31st

Time Slots: TBA

Sunday, July 31st (afternoon)

Time Slots: TBA

Auditions will be small group format, lasting one hour.

Auditions will consist of individual vocal auditions and a group dance audition.

Callbacks will consist of readings, specific vocal auditions, and a specialized movement audition.  Callback times for specific roles will be posted on-line.

Individuals will have an opportunity to register for a specific audition time.

Audition forms will be available on-line when registration opens.

Individuals are encouraged to select a vocal piece from "The Rocky Horror Show" or of a similar genre that demonstrates their vocal ability.
It may b
e necessary to also obtain a vocal range from individuals auditioning for specific roles.

While "dressing up" is appreciated, it is not necessary and may inhibit your movement during dance/movement auditions and callbacks.  Individuals are therefore encouraged to dress comfortably.

Please feel free to contact the Director with any questions: 

I Would Like, if I May, to Take You on a Strange Journey...

I didn't want to leave you hanging with ANTIC...PATION.  Here's a list of my friends you might want to get to know:

  • Janet Weiss: She's the sweet and somewhat naïve heroine who was recently engaged to Brad. She seems to succumbs to temptation. (female, belt)
  • Brad Majors: He's the clean-cut fiancé and hero of Janet Weiss. Brad seems to be awkward and out of step especially when he finds himself in situations never before experienced. (male, tenor)
  • Riff Raff: He's my faithful handyman. Riff Raff is my dedicated minion and Magenta's brother. (male, tenor)
  • Magenta: She's such a domestic and Riff Raff's sister. (female, mezzo)
  • Columbia: She's a tap-dancing groupie. Columbia is my self-proclaimed lover (which makes me sloppy seconds to Eddie). (female, mezzo)
  • Dr. Everett V. Scott: He's a rival scientist. He was also Brad and Janet's high school science teacher who is now a government scientist searching for extraterrestrial life. (male, tenor)
  • Rocky Horror: He's my creation.  Oh Rocky has beautiful blond-hair and is tanned. (male, tenor)
  • The Criminologist: He's a know-it-all expert and the narrator to our strange journey. (male)
  • Eddie: He's an ex-delivery boy. Eddie is Columbia's former boyfriend and partial brain donor for Rocky, nephew to Dr. Scott, and eventually, Dr. Frank-N-Furter's dinner. Yum.  (male)